Friday, December 07, 2007

You Will Find Anything And Everything On Google

I have this lovely StatCounter code on my blog which gives me a wealth of information regarding my visitors: number of visits per day, time of visit, what country the visitor is from, what browser the visitor used, what color of underwear the visitor is wearing, etc... But the feature I love the most is StatCounter's ability to give me information on the search terms that people use which bring them to my site. Statcounter can tell me what search engine the visitor used (Yahoo or Google for example) and the exact search phrase the visitor used. And when I checked my logs today, this is what I found:

Location: Quezon City
Search Engine: Google
Search Phrase: "claire danes philippines stardust cockroaches"

And this brought the searcher to this specific blog entry.

Ah yes. How wonderful that you can find absolutely anything on the Interwebz.
